Creative Technologies is there with you every step of the way to improve your workflow and modernize your utility billing business.
Print and Mail
Our cloud-based easy print service eliminates costly and time-consuming in-house tasks. Simply upload statements, inserts, reminders, late notices, shut-off letters, any printed communications and we will send to your customers for quick delivery.
No investments in hardware or software
No start-up processing fees or contracts
No trips to the post office
No more hassles
Programming and Integrations
In today's complex, fast-moving high-tech environment we need to stay current. We leverage the advanced features of your El Dorado utility billing software and provide integrations with other applications and custom programming solutions to keep your billing process simple.
All leading AMR handheld meter reading devise interfaces
Accounting and property management software
Custom statements, reports and unique billing calculations
Data and system analytics
Project Management
We make the entire process of migration to the new system and software set up and configuration worry-free! Installation and training with our installation specialist are all completed online via Teamviewer (included in El Dorado software).
​Our specialists will:
Analyze and clean your current data for conversion
Set up rate tables and statements
Review meter reading process and integration
Define and solve any unique billing requirements
Work with IT departments on system configurations, networking and 3rd party integrations
Train and support
Data Conversion
We take great pride on being honest and upfront with customers when it comes to costs and conversion promises. A successful conversion strongly depends on the integrity of the data received. We recommend data to be sent to us in the following formats:
CSV comma delimited (.csv) file or Excel with defined heading descriptions
Access Database (.mdb or .acc file with defined heading descriptions